Vaping is an epidemic that has taken the north shore by storm. Anyone under the age of 40 knows that smoking a cigarette is bad. When you have a cigarette you can look into the insides it and see all the materials, these materials are usually brown or black. Kids have relatives that have been directly affected by smoking cigarettes and have gotten some form of cancer from it, and if you didn’t have that family member one of your friends do and you hear about it through them. It’s no surprise that when you take these materials, turn them into a liquid, and conceal them inside a device so that you can’t see what you’re inhaling that kids think it’s different than a cigarette. The LAtimes claims that high schoolers that use e-cigarettes rose to 78% compared to 2017, that’s roughly 3 million student. 3 million students that are potentially addicted to nicotine and are destroying their lungs by the day. When e-cigarette companies have flavors like “Mango” it is a very obvious marketing tool aimed for the youth. Asosiating a vaping flavor with a fruit creates a layer of harmlessness. In the North Shore the number of people vaping is staggering. At New Trier in 2018 the percent of people that vape was
42%, compared to the percent of people vaping in 2017 (19%) this is a huge increase. One can only assume that, that percent has increased going into 2019. New Trier and the North Shore need to work to take serious action about warning people about the side affects of this before we have another generation talking about their relatives who had cancer.